Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Natural Agro Ltd website. This section outlines our policies on privacy, data protection, and the terms and conditions that govern the use of our website. We want to assure you that we prioritize your privacy and security. Please take a moment to review the following terms.

Updates and Revisions

Natural Agro Ltd reserves the right to revise our rules and policies at any time. We encourage you to check back periodically to stay informed about any updates.


All pages on this website are the intellectual property of Natural Agro Ltd, and we claim copyright over them. While temporary downloading or storage of parts of the website is allowed, permanent copying, storage, or redistribution of this information is strictly prohibited.

Data Protection

We collect and use information about you in compliance with legislation and data protection best practices. You are not required to provide information to use this website, but certain activities such as subscribing to newsletters or doing business with us may involve submitting data. We will use this information internally and with our agencies as necessary. We will not sell your data.

Under applicable data protection laws, you may have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected. We will make reasonable efforts to fulfill such requests.

If you have any data protection concerns or requests, please contact us at info@naturalagro.com.


This website and associated databases are operated by Natural Agro Ltd. We are committed to protecting your personal information and take all reasonable measures to ensure its security. We collect information through inquiry forms, email newsletter subscriptions, and blog sign-ups, using this information to provide relevant updates about our products and services.

Website Terms & Conditions

This website is owned by Natural Agro Ltd, [Insert Address]. While we strive for accuracy in the information presented, we cannot warrant that it is always correct and do not accept liability for any loss resulting from inaccuracies. We are not responsible for any damage or loss in connection with browsing this site, regardless of the accuracy of the information.

We check documents and files for viruses before adding them to our website. However, we cannot guarantee that files downloaded from our site are free from viruses, and we do not accept responsibility for damage or loss caused by any virus. Please use appropriate protection.

External Links

We may include links to external sites related to news, products, or editorial content. Please note that linking to an external site does not imply our endorsement, and we cannot verify their compliance with Internet legislation. Use discretion when accessing external links.

For any questions or concerns about our website, privacy, or data protection, please contact The Data Protection Officer at the provided email address.